Monday, April 25, 2011

final freak poster

"the -k- really", thought that was pretty funny in class the other day. other than that, this is it


  1. Love your poster! The colors! The Freak Show type works well with venice beach. Overall movement throughout the poster. All the wonderful shapes and graphics. I agree the 'k' can sneak back away from yellow bit. Well done! It all works.

  2. Roughs/Blog; You have worked through your design really well!! You have followed suggestions and made the presentation work!
    Content / Idea: What the freak? The design would go well in the OC
    Design: Your use of the lines to direct you through the image is terrific. Integrating the line with the picture that directs you out through the picture adds interest and movement. Center through the right then down. You used Fairey’s style as a reference point and started making it your own.
    My only proLbem with the piece is the heading FREAK? It needs to sit inside the area not pushing out into the stripes. You fixed the Venice beach information and it all works as a great design
    Excellent job and thanks for all your effort – you are improving each time we meet!!
